A Tale of 2 Journeys

Seminar on Self-knowledge & Personal Power for Leaders, Project Management Institute, National Technological University, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2015

A spiritual pilgrimage to the heart of Tibetan Buddhism, Potala Palace, Lhasa, Tibet, 2015
I graduated as the Master of Business Administration from the École Supérieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (ESSEC Business School), Paris with the Eiffel Scholarship, given by the French Government, Ministry of External Affairs.
In my MBA exchange program, I went to the Owen School of Management, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA.
I have the degree of Master of Commerce & Bachelor of Commerce from Symbiosis College, Pune University, India.
I have two Certifications in Financial Markets – Capital Market, & Derivatives from the National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE), Mumbai. I have a B2 level diploma in French from L’Alliance Française, & a certificate in Graphology.
I was the first global fellow of Net Impact, an organization headquartered in San Francisco, USA, that works for the CSR and sustainability. I facilitated the Net Impact Forum at the Social Responsibility Conclave, Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad & also the Net Impact Chennai Chapter Launch event at the Institute for Financial Management and Research (IFMR), Chennai.
I have given seminars on Mindful Leadership, Self-knowledge, Personal Power, Achieving Goals, Entrepreneurship, & Creativity using the concepts of Quantum Physics & Advaita Vedanta (Hindu Spirituality) at the National Technological University (UTN) at both campuses in Buenos Aires, & in Cordoba, Argentina.
I have taught courses & given seminars on India – Economy & Culture, on how to do Business with India, & International Business Communications at the Graduate School of Economic Sciences, National University of Cordoba (UNC), Argentina & at the Instituto Universitario Escuela Argentina de Negocios, Buenos Aires.
I have taught Advertising & Public Relations, & New Product Development module, once at the MSc in Marketing & Digital program at ESSEC Business School, Singapore. I have taught Business Communications, Advertising & Brand Management, eBusiness, & Soft Skills courses at the master’s level at the Modern Institute, Indore, India.
I have been awarded the Distinguished Member Award in the Net Impact Conference at the Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University, New York.
I was the winner (in team) of Best Film at the Global Millennium Development Goals Youth Summit organized by the World Federation of United Nations Associations at the Jai Hind College, University of Mumbai.
I have attended seminars & conferences on CSR, Sustainability, & International Development at the Instituto de Estudios Superiores de la Empresa (IESE Business School), University of Navarra, Barcelona, at the Salem International NGO, Stadtsteinach, Germany, & at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, Chicago.
My report on Diversity Management was published by the ESSEC Business School, Paris & was presented to the Minister of Labour, Family & Social Affairs of France, in the Conference on Diversity at ESSEC.
My interviews have been published in The Wall Street Journal, Edition USA, Europe & Asia, & The Times of India, among others. I have spoken on Radio & TV in Argentina like Canal 10, Canal 8, Canal sudoeste, InfoNegocios, & Radio Mitre Córdoba.
I was born and raised in the heart of india…in the way of life known as Hindu and speaking the language Hindi.
Spirituality is always present in its different forms in India. In the form of murtis, temples, mantras, yantras, mandalas, yoga, diksha, bhajans, festivals… and we have always been blessed by the presence of avatars, rishis, jyotishis, gurus,…Gods!
So for me, it is a part of life, something I live every day in the land.
Since birth, I have been listening to mantras, the bhajans, the ragas, the sounds from the traditional musical instruments…
I have been vegetarian since birth & now by choice due to my belief in non-violence towards animals.
Since at a young age I was doing certain spiritual things like going to temples, practising rituals, chanting spiritual sounds, celebrating the divinity…as many Indians do.
In adolescence, I started looking for answers to my existential questions & started studying physics on my own. But, I couldn’t clarify my doubts so I moved to the spiritual techniques.
I learned these spiritual techniques from different masters in different courses in different countries. After long periods of courses, self-education, & practice, I started to realize my answers.
The motivation to help others was there from the beginning, though now I was equipped with the proper tools to perform that.
I am a Reiki Master (Usui & Karuna techniques) & a Jyotish Counselor (Personality Chart Analysis). I have done more than 1500 sessions in them all around the world & in 4 languages.
I have given various classes in Yoga, mainly Karma & Hatha Yoga. I am a trained Diksha Giver (an ancient Hindu system of giving blessings of the masters).
I have also taught different techniques of meditation & mindfulness (Dhyan Yoga), & visualization.
Since mainly last 6 years, I have been giving courses & sessions in these different techniques, quite regularly.
You are invited to take part with me in this beautiful journey & I hope you will enjoy my sessions & the courses…like I do!
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